The owner of the Summit building allows residents to store personal items, at your own risk, in your assigned parking spaces.
This is a friendly reminder to keep your items in a neat and orderly fashion. Not all residents choose to use the parking garage to store their personal items, but do wish to use the garage. It is important when sharing a common area space that you remember it is just that, a “common” space for many people with various ideas and opinions to share while abiding by the rules.
On another note, some residents have been leaving shoes and shopping carts in the common hallways. This is absolutely not allowed. There are to be no personal belongings left in the common hallways. Currently, there is a large table and numerous chairs under one of the stairways in the building. We would like the owner of the table and chairs to remove them immediately. The table and chairs will be removed on Friday, March 1st, before Noon if they are still there.
Thank you everyone. I hope everyone is having a great week.
The Management