Almost every resident of Twin Ponds has an assigned parking space. If you do, you pay for that as part of your rent.
Having an assigned space is a wonderful thing when you come home late after work with all those groceries, unless…SOMEONE IS PARKED IN YOUR SPACE! UGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
We have done something very unique at Twin Ponds in that we allow our residents to contact the towing company directly if there is someone parked in their space. You must show a lease and matching driver’s license in order to have this service. Due to the fact that we get so many visitors in our community, we promote letting the “violator” know they have parked in your space by leaving them a friendly note and asking them nicely not to do it again.
It also helps if you jot down the plate number, or even take a picture of the vehicle and send it to management at and we will send a reminder to the resident at fault IF they are in our system. If it ends up being a visitor, then at least you have left a friendly note and there are no excuses for if they were to do it again when you have them towed.
There will be times that the towing company is unavailable and we know this can be frustrating. Please know that we are extremely lucky to have this company and it is difficult to find a towing company that will meet the criteria of a private property owner and they have done that.
The system is not perfect. We have been actively tagging and towing unregistered, uninspected and immobile vehicles. We are also enforcing the number of vehicles residents have permission to have. Remember, we can tow your vehicle for being unregistered, immobile or uninspected at the vehicle owner’s expense without notice. We can also tow if you leave a vehicle unattended after a storm impeding snow removal operations.
Lastly, having an assigned space comes with some resident responsibility. You know the rules but your guests and visitors do not. It is your responsibility as a resident of Twin Ponds to keep them informed. If you have a guest, simply make sure they have not parked in an assigned space by asking them not to do so. I am pretty sure if you told your guest that they can be towed at their expense for doing so, they would probably think twice about doing it. It would be wonderful if our towing company did not have to hear from us at all.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
Twin Pond at Nashua Management